Java EAN 128 Generator Image Setting Tutorial

sample source code to generate linear EAN 128 in png, jpeg, etc. image formats in Java

  • Generate barcodes which can be added to Oracle Reports and Crystal Reports
  • Compatible with JDK 1.4 or greater for EAN 128 image adjustment
  • Applets may be used to easily display barcodes in Web pages with compatible Web browsers
  • Complete Library Source code for Java Barcode is provided with purchase of Unlimited Developer License with Source Code
  • Mature & Reliable Java EAN 128 generation library with latest barcode symbology ISO Standards
  • Check sum digit of EAN 128 image can be automatically computed
  • autoResize can adjust the generated EAN 128 barcode image in Java automatically
  • EAN 128 barcode can be set in the center, right or left of the image
  • EAN 128 image color can be changed with setting BackColor, ForeColor and TextColor
  • Set proper data length to generate and create valid EAN 128 barcodes in Java applications

GS1-128, former known as EAN-128, UCC-128, USS-128, is alphanumeric linear barcode developed on Code 128, however, using GS1 standard.

Excluding Java EAN 128 Image Setting tutorail, Onbarcode provides GS1 128 size setting and data encoding tutorail guide for all EAN 128 genertion solution in Java.

Detailed tutorail guide for Java GS1 128 size setting;

Detailed tuotorail guide for Java GS1 128 data encoding.

Java EAN 128 Image Format Setting

Java EAN 128 image format can be set at the end of the EAN 128 generation for drawing the GS1 128 linear barcode images with target image format. TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP and PNG are avilable for adjsutment.

      //Set EAN 128 bmp image format in Java for an example
      EAN128 barcode = new EAN128();
//AI data is necessary for encoding in the () at the beginning of the data to encode barcode.setData("(10)EAN128-Image");

Java EAN 128 Image Resolution Setting

GS1 128 image resolution in set in Dot Per Inch with the default value 72 which can be set to any valu with specific requirement for some products.

      //Set EAN 128 resolution to be 66 in Java application for an example

Java EAN 128 Image Color Setting

GS1 128 image color can be not only black and white buto also can be colorful with your setting the background color, foreground color and the text color of the EAN 128 image generated in Java.

      //Set EAN 128 background color to be black; foreground color to be red; text color to red as an example

Java EAN 128 Image Placement and Displaying

Java EAN 128 linear barcode generator can generate and draw EAN 128 image with setting image rotation(0, 90, 180, 270 degrees), show text(true or false) and bar alignment( 0: left, 1: center, 2: right;)

      //Set EAN 128 image with rotating to 270 angle; bar alignment to be right; show text to be true as an example

OnBarcode is a market-leading provider of barcode imaging generator, reader controls and components for ASP.NET, Windows Forms, WPF, as well Java, Android, iOS (iPhone, iPad) across all major enterprise development platforms. We provides comprehensive tutorials and how-tos for various linear, 2d barcode information, such as C# in ASP.NET, C# .NET, C# Barcode Encoding, C# Barcode Image, VB.NET in ASP.NET, VB.NET Winforms, VB.NET Barcode Encoding. OnBarcode barcode products are supported by RasterEdge ASP.NET Document Viewer, which supports ASP.NET PDF Viewer, ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Editor, MVC PDF Viewer. And provide high quality C# Convert PDF to Tiff, C# Convert PDF to Word, C# Convert PDF to HTML, C# Convert PDF to Jpeg images, and their easy and simple documents, like C# PDF SDK, C# extract text from PDF, C# Compress PDF, Print PDF in C# and C# extract image from PDF.
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