ITF-14 barcode FAQ

What is ITF-14 for GS1, character set, char length, check digit, barcode dimension size,deocde & read ITF-14 barcodes

What is ITF-14 Barcode?

ITF-14, also known as UPC Shipping Container Symbol ITF-14, ITF14, is the GS1 implementation of an Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode to encode a Global Trade Item Number. ITF-14 symbols are generally used on packaging levels of a product, such as a case box of 24 cans of soup. The ITF-14 will always encode 14 digits.

What is the benefit of ITF-14?

The ITF-14 is a durable barcode that is less sensitive to poor print quality. It is therefore suitable when a barcode needs to be printed directly on corrugated board.

ITF-14 Basic Characteristics

The basic characteristics of ITF-14 barcode are:

  • Encodable character set: numeric 0 to 9 (ASCII characters 48 - 57 inclusive, in accordance with ISO/IEC 646)
  • Code type: continuous
  • Character self-checking: yes
  • Data string length encodable: fixed length at 14 digits
  • Barcode check digit: One check digit is required

ITF-14 Barcode Symbol Structure

An ITF-14 barcode symbol includes:

  • A left Quiet Zone
  • A start pattern
  • Seven pairs of symbol characters representing data
  • A stop pattern
  • A right Quiet Zone

A simple example for ITF-14 barcode symbol structure:

ITF-14 barcode Bearer bars

The purpose of a bearer bar is to equalise the pressure exerted by the printing plate over the entire surface of the symbol and to enhance reading reliability by helping to reduce the probability of misreads or short scans that may occur when a skewed scanning beam enters or exits the barcode through its top or bottom edge.

The ITF-14 bearer bar is mandatory unless it is not technically feasible to apply it (in which case reading reliability will be reduced).

For printing methods that do not require printing plates, the bearer bar SHALL be a minimum of twice the width of a narrow bar (dark bar) and need only appear at the top and bottom of the symbol, butting directly against the top and bottom of the symbol bars (dark bars). The bearer bar may extend above and below the Quiet Zones. However, it is not mandatory to print the vertical sections of the bearer bar.

A sample ITF-14 barcode with bearer bars around:

A sample ITF-14 barcode without vertical bearer bars:

ITF-14 data character encoding

Supported character set

ITF-14 encodes digits (0-9) only.

Table-1: defines the ITF-14 symbol's character encodation. In the binary representation column, the character 1 represents a wide element and 0 represents a narrow element.

Data character Binary representation
0 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1
2 0 1 0 0 1
3 1 1 0 0 0
4 0 0 1 0 1
5 1 0 1 0 0
6 0 1 1 0 0
7 0 0 0 1 1
8 1 0 0 1 0
9 0 1 0 1 0

What is the data length of ITF-14 barcode?

With ITF-14 barcodes, the data string, including the check digit, will always be a 14-digit number.

ITF-14 Start/stop patterns

ITF-14 includes one start pattern, and one stop pattern.

The start pattern shall consist of four narrow elements in the sequence "bar - space - bar - space". The stop pattern shall consist of a "wide bar - narrow space - narrow bar" sequence.

The start pattern shall be positioned at the normal left end of the data symbol characters adjacent to the first bar of the most significant digit. The stop pattern shall be positioned at the normal right end of the data symbol characters adjacent to the final space of the least significant digit.

There is no assigned human readable interpretation of the start and stop patterns and the start/stop will not be displayed in the ITF-14 barcode text.

How to calculate ITF-14 barcode check digit?

For applications requiring enhanced data security, ITF-14 should include one checksum digit as a symbol check character.

When a check digit included, the following check character algorithm shall be used:

  1. Starting with the digit on the right of the number (excluding the check character), sum all the alternate digit values, reading from right to left;
  2. Multiply the result of step 1) by 3;
  3. Sum all the remaining digit values;
  4. Add the result of step 2) to the result of step 3);
  5. The check character is the smallest number, which, when added to the result of step 4), produces a multiple of 10.

ITF-14 barcode dimension size

ITF-14 symbols SHALL use the following nominal dimensions:

  • Width of narrow element (X): the X-dimension of ITF-14 symbols is defined by the application specification based on the needs of the application. Refer to section for specifications by application area.
  • The wide/narrow ratio (N): the range is 2.25:1 to 3.0:1. Refer to section for specifications by application area.
  • The Quiet Zones to the right and left of the symbol are compulsory. The minimum width of each Quiet Zone is 10X.
  • A minimum space of 1.02 millimetre (0.040 inch) between the bottom line of the bearer bar and the top of the human readable characters is required.

As an example, for an ITF-14 barcode symbol that has seven character pairs, a target wide-to-narrow ratio of 2.5:1, a target X width of 1.016 millimetres (0.0400 inch) and Quiet Zone widths of 10.16 millimetres (0.400 inch) the total symbol width is 142.75 millimetres (5.620 inches).

ITF-14 minimum X-dimension

ITF-14 barcode minimum X-dimension is 0.495mm. Its recommended X-dimension is also 0.495mm.

ITF-14 maximum X-dimension

ITF-14 barcode maximum X-dimension is 1.016mm.

ITF-14 minimum height

ITF-14 barcode minimum height is 31.75mm. Its recommended barcode height is also 31.75mm.

Note: For ITF-14 the height is measured from the bottom to the top of the bars, excluding the bearer bars.

ITF-14 maximum height

ITF-14 barcode maximum height is 31.75mm.

Quiet zone minimum size

The minimum width of the Quiet Zone to the left and right of the ITF-14 barcode is 10X.

ITF-14 Barcode Software

ITF-14 Generator Components

ITF-14 Scanner Components

ITF-14 Generator & Scanner Softwares

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