Guide: How to create barcode in Microsoft Excel
without font? Free trial download.
Generate, make, print 1d and 2d barcode in Microsoft Office Excel 365. No font
Install, or integrate barcode add-in on MS Office Excel and generate barcodes on Office Excel documents
In this Excel barcode generation user guide, you will learn how to generate, print high quality barcode images in Microsoft Office Excel document.
- Create, insert 20+ linear and 2D barcode images in Excel worksheet
- High dpi barcode raster images for document printing
- Easy to generate a single barcode from Excel cell data, or create bulk of barcode image list from a template
- Easy to customize the barcode dimension size (width and height)
- Free to distribute Excel document with barcodes inserted
- No font, control, VBA, Macro programming required
- Support latest version of Microsoft Excel 365 on Windows
How to create, print barcodes in Office Excel document
- Easy to integrate this barcode add-in with your Microsoft Office Excel
- Require no programming skills and barcode specifications knowledge base
- Support inserting a single and batch barcodes on Excel 365, 2021/2019/2016/2013/2010/2007 cells
- Guarantee high print quality barcode generation, complying with GS1, ISO/IEC specifications
- Create linear (1D) barcodes like Code 39, EAN, UPC, GS1 128, Interleaved 2 of 5, Postal Codes, etc
- Embed matrix 2D barcodes in Excel, such as QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF 417
- Flexible barcode dimension support allows adjusting various barcode size properties
- Automatic check digit calculation support with this barcode add-in for Excel
Microsoft Excel Barcode Generator Add-In is a reliable and professional barcode generator for Microsoft Excel 365, 2021/2019/2016/2013/2010. This user guide will show how to integrate barcode generation and printing features into Microsoft Office Excel and how to generate static and dynamic barcodes on your Excel spreadsheets.
Compatibility Top
Operating Systems
- Microsoft Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2000
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2008, 2003
Microsoft Office Excel Versions
- Microsoft Office Excel 365 on Windows
- Microsoft Office Excel 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013
- Microsoft Office Excel 2010, 2007
Install the OnBarcode Barcode for Excel software
- Close all opened Excel spreadsheets.
- Run the "OnBarcode.Barcode.Excel.Addin.Setup.exe" to install. If you need macros, install file "OnBarcode.Barcode.Excel.Addin.Developer.Setup.exe".
And make sure the Excel application supports Macros, otherwise the barcode add-in will be inactivated.
- Now, you may find OnBarcode Excel Barcode Add-In under the Excel "Add-Ins" tab.
If you cannot find tab "Add-ins" in Excel, or not "OnBarcode" add-in in the toolbar, please do as follows:
- Click "Office Button" > "Excel Options" > "Trust Center" > "Trust Center
Settings..."> "Add-ins". Then, undo "Disable all Application Add-ins (may
impair functionality)" and click "OK".
- Now, switch to "Add-Ins" > "COM Add-ins" (from the "manage" pull-down
menu) > "Go".
- In the pop-up window, select "OnBarcode Excel AddIn" and click "OK".
- Now, the Excel Barcode Add-In is successfully integrated under "Add-Ins" tab.
Supported 2d and Linear Barcode Types
How to create a barcode in Excel sheet?
- Select a cell on Excel document.
- In the setting panel, choose your target barcode type and input valid data.
- Then, click "Generate" button. Not that, this button will change to be "Update" immediately.
- Now, a barcode image is successfully created on the cell.
To customize the generated barcode, please select it and adjust its property in the setting panel. Then, click "Update".
Also, you can remove the generated barcode images by clicking "Delete" button.
How to make barcode with specific Excel cell data?
To insert a dynamic barcode which update automatically depending on the content of the linked cell, you may need to use the button "Link To Cell".
- Choose the inserted barcode image and click "Link To Cell" (To undo this, the button "Cancel" should be used).
- Select a cell with your target data. After this, the "Link To Cell" button immediately changes to be "Update".
- Click "Update", and then this barcode is dynamically linked to the cell.
In addition, generated barcodes can be linked to cells in this way. And all those barcodes can be updated at a time by clicking " Update Link To Cell" button.
How to make, print bulk barcodes from list of numbers, text in Excel?
Using OnBarcode Excel Barcode Generator add-in, you can easily create multiple barcodes from list of text, numbers in Excel.
View step by step details at: How to generate bulk barcodes in Excel document.
Barcode Data Encoding in Microsoft Excel
Create barcodes with digits or alphanumerics in Excel document
To generate barcodes with digits or alphnumerics in Excel, you can directly input the barcode data into Data textbox in the barcode settings pane in Excel.
The following example is showing a Codabar barcode generated with digits "11223344".
Create barcodes with ASCII or extended ASCII characters in Excel document
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a standard character encoding used in many industries. ISO 646 has defined the all 128 ASCII characters.
It currently defines 95 printable characters including 10 digits (0 to 9), 26 upper case letters (A to Z), 26 lower case letters
and 33 special characters including symbols, punctuation marks, and space characters. There are 33 non-printable characters in ASCII char table (ASCII control characters ascii value 0-31 and 127).
The extended ASCII includes 256 characters, and the first 128 chars are from standard ASCII, and it is a superset of ISO 8859-1 in terms of printable characters.
To generate barcode with printable chars in Excel, you can input the barcode data directly in Data textbox or to the barcode linked Excel cell. The following image displays
a Code 128 barcode with data in ASCII printable chars in Excel.
Create barcodes with non-printable characters in Excel document
In ASCII and Extended ASCII character set, there are few non-printable characters, most of them are control characters. To create barcodes with those non-printable chars in Excel,
you need do some extra steps.
To encode non-printable chars in barcode in Excel, you need get the non-printable char ASCII value or Extened ASCII value.
Then in the barcode data text box, you need add chars in the following format: " ~ddd". Here ddd is the ASCII value in 3 digits.
Here is an example to generate Code 128 barcode with data "123[CR]111" in Excel. The data "[CR]" is a character for Carriage Return, its ASCII value is 13.
- Choose Barcode Type as "CODE 128"
- Go to tab "1D Barcode", enable property "Apply tilde (~)"
- In Data text box, key in "123~013111"
- Press button Update to generate Code 128 with the above settings applied.
- In generated Code 128 barcode text (Human Readable Interpretation in barcode specification) area, it will display the printable characters only.
Create barcodes with Unicode text in Excel document
Most of the 2d (matrix) barcode symbologies support data encoding in byte mode, such as QR Code, Data Matrix and PDF417. To generate barcodes with data in Unicode text, the most
common method is to convert Unicode text characters to bytes, and generate barcodes with bytes data encoded.
Using Excel barcode generator software, you can directly pass the Unicode text to barcode software in Microsoft Excel document, and barcode generator software will
generate 2d barcodes with Unicode text directly. You can view the details here:
How to create QR Code, Data Matrix barcodes with Unicode text in Office Excel file?
Create barcodes with GS1 data message in Excel document
Some linear barcode symbologies (such as EAN/UPC, ITF-14, GS1 DataBar) supports encoding single GS1 data message,
you could directly input the GS1 data message to the barcode property Data or to the barcode linked cell.
The following screenshot shows a EAN-13 barcode generated in Excel.
Some barcode symbologies (such as GS1-128, QR Code, Data Matrix) supports encoding multiple GS1 data elements (application identifier elements) in a single barcode. The following image shows a GS1-128
barcode with 3 GS1 elements encoded.
You can view the details about GS1 data encoding in GS1-128, QR Code and Data Matrix barcode here:
How to generate barcodes with GS1 data elements in Microsoft Excel file?
How to customize created 1d barcode displayed HRI (barcode text) in Excel document?
Most of the linear (1D) barcodes are displayed with Human Readable Interpretation (HRI). You can easily customize the displayed barcode text style, such as color, font style, using Excel Barcode Generator software.
Here are the complete list of properties you can use in Excel. Most of the options below are in the tab " 1D Barcode" in " Barcode Settings" pane in Excel.
- Display barcode data: The default value is checked, and it will display 1d barcode HRI in the generated barcode images. To hide the HRI in the barcode, you need uncheck it.
- Display checksum char: If the linear barcode has checksum char(s) in the end of HRI, you can uncheck to hide it. Note: if you have hidden the checksum chars, the checksum digits will still be inserted in the generated barcode symbology.
- Font family, Font style, Font size: You can change the font name, style (normal, bold, underline, ...), font size here.
- Text margin: the space between barcode and displayed text. The property is under the tab "Barcode Size".
How to draw barcode with specified area in Excel document?
Using Barcode for Excel add-in, you can easily generate the barcode in specified area in Excel sheet.
Select a cell to insert barcode. The generated barcode image left top corner is the same position of the selected cell's left top corner. You can also drag the barcode image, and place any where on the Excel sheet.
To set the barcode with specified image width and height, please apply the following settings:
Check option "Auto resize"
Set option "Image width" to value 500 pixels.
Set option "Image height" to value 350 pxiels.
Now you know it is a simple task to create, draw barcode with target position and specified width, height in Excel document.
There are more options to customize the generated barcode image dimension size, such as text size, text margin, barcode images. You can view the details here:
How to generate barcodes with specified image size (width, height) in Excel?
How to customize barcode colors in Microsoft Excel?
Most common barcodes are using black color as bar module color and white color as barcode label background color.
Now more and more barcodes, specially QR Code, are used for marketing purpose. Lots of QR Code for marketing are using customized color for bar module.
Here we will learn how to apply the colors settings using Barcode Generator for Excel add-in
Create a QR Code in the Excel document.
Select the QR Code. You will find the following color options in the right side Barcode Settings pane.
There are three color related options:
- Fore is to set barcode bar module color. By default it is the color black with value "#000000".
Click the color rectangle to popup Color dialog and reset the fore color.
- Back is to set the barcode symbology background color. The default value is color white with value "#FFFFFF".
- Enable Transparent checkbox, if you need generate barcode with transparent background image.
Once it is enabled, the option Back will be disabled.
The QR Code below are generated with the following options applied.
- Fore is red with value "#FF0000"
- Transparent is enabled.
- Click button Update to re-generate the QR Code with color options applied
How to generate high resolution barcode images in Microsoft Excel?
The barcode images created by barcode generator for Excel are in PNG formats. By default they are in 300 dpi resolution.
If you want to create barcode with higher resolution for printing purpose,
you can easily change inserted barcode images resolution in the Barcode Settings pane.
- Select the barcode you need update image resolution
- In Barcode Settings pane, change DPI to the resolution you want. The barcode image resolution should be higher than your printer's.
- Click button Update to re-paint the barcode with resolution applied