How to generate Code 128 Barcode in Excel
using Barcode Generator Excel add-in (no font)?

No barcode Code 128 font, Excel macro, formula, vba, to create, print Code 128 in Excel

How to create Code 128 barcode in Microsoft Office Excel without font, vba?

  1. Free download Excel Code 128 Barcode Generator add-in software
  2. Install Code 128 Excel add-in to create Code 128
    images in Microsoft Excel files on Windows
  3. Step by Step User Guide

  • Seamlessly integrate into Microsoft Office Excel 2019/2016/2013/2010/2007 on Windows
  • Free to download and install barcode generator add-in, no need any barcode font, macro vba script function.
  • Easy to generate multiple Code-128 barcodes from a list of cells
  • Free barcode addin software downloads. Complete demo source code included.
  • Create, insert Code 128 barcodes in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets within a few seconds
  • Code 128 Add-in may print reliable and professional quality barcodes in Excel
  • Industry standards of Code 128 are well pre-configured
  • No specifications of Code 128 are necessary for any users
  • Programming skills and barcode fonts are not required
  • Automatically compute and add the check digit of Code 128
  • High quality Code 128 images are printed even on low-resolution printers

[Video] How to download and generate Code 128 barcode in Microsoft Excel without font, vba, Excel fomula?


Code 128 Barcode Add-in is designed by to draw Code 128 barcode images for MS Excel spreadsheet. This barcode generator is able to link barcodes to cell-contents. Besides, the generated barcode images using this add-in do comply with GS1, ISO/IEC specifications.

You can view more user guide to create, customize barcodes in Excel at
How to generate, customize 1d and 2d barcodes in Microsoft Excel document?
How to create multiple barcodes from list of cell data in Microsoft Excel sheet?
How to encode, print GS1 barcodes in Office Excel?
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How to create and customize barcode dimension size (width and height) in Excel? provides Barcode Generator (not font) Excel Add In for Excel as well as other professional & reliable 1D & 2D barcode add-ins for Excel and Word, including Code 39 excel add-in, GS1-128 generator for excel, UPC-A barcode add-in for excel, QR Code generator for excel, Data Matrix for excel, etc.

Code 128 Barcode Data Characters Encoding in Office Excel. No font required.

Code 128, also known as Barcode 128, ANSI/AIM 128, USS Code 128 is a very capable linear barcode of excellent density, high reliability.

Code 128 data character set

Code 128 barcode supports the following data characters

  • All 128 Full ASCII characters defined in ISO/IEC 646
  • Extended ASCII characters are also supported.

Code 128 Data Code Sets in Excel

Code 128 has defined the following three Code Sets in ISO specification to encode Code 128 data message: Code Set A, Set B, Set C.

In Excel Code 128 generator, you could use barcode type Code 128 A, Code 128 B, Code 128 C to encode each Code Set.

However lots of Code 128 data will include characters from more than one Code sets. To encode these complicated data message, Excel code 128 generator provides a simple solution for you. You could choose barcode type Code 128. The Code 128 generator in Excel will automatically encode the data message with combined Code 128 code sets.

The Start and Stop characters for Code 128 in Excel

The barcode Code 128 defines 3 Start chars (Start A, B, C) and 1 Stop char. Using Code 128 barcode generator for Excel add-in, you do not need keyin Code 128 start and stop chars, OnBarcode Barcode for Excel will automatically insert the right start and stop chars in the generated Code 128 barcodes.

Code 128 check digit character in Excel

Each valid Code 128 barcode includes a check digit character, which is based on module 103 algorithm. You can view the details about How to calculate Code 128 check digit with video explained.

In Excel Code 128 barcode generator software, the property "Add checksum char" under tab "1D Barcode" is not appliable for Code 128. The software will automatically calculate and create a check digit character in code 128 barcode before the Stop character.

Create barcode Code 128 with non-printable characters in Excel

There are few control characters in ASCII and extended ASCII character set are non-printable. To create Code 128 with those non-printable chars in Excel, you need do some extra steps.

To encode non-printable chars in Code 128 in Excel, you need get the non-printable char ASCII value or Extened ASCII value. Then in the Code 128 Data text box, you need add chars in the following format: "~ddd". Here "ddd" is the ASCII value in 3 digits.

Here is an example to generate Code 128 barcode with data "123[CR]111" in Excel. The data "[CR]" is a character for Carriage Return, its ASCII value is 13.

  • Choose Barcode Type as "CODE 128"
  • Go to tab "1D Barcode", enable property "Apply tilde (~)"
  • In Data text box, key in "123~013111"
  • Press button Update to generate Code 128 with the above settings applied.
  • In generated Code 128 barcode text (Human Readable Interpretation in barcode specification) area, it will display the printable characters only.

Code 128 Barcode Image Dimension Size in Excel file using free download Excel barcode add-in

Using Excel Code 128 barcode generator Add-in, you can apply the following properties for Code 128 image dimension size.
  • Unit of Measure. You can choose PIXEL, CM or INCH.
  • DPI. Image resolution
  • Bar width (X): Width of narrow element. The mimumum bar width is defined by the application specification
  • Bar height (Y): Bar module height.
  • Image width. Code 128 image width
  • Image height. Code 128 image height
  • Left margin, Right margin: Quiet zone. the minimum width of quiet zone is 10X.
  • Top margin, Bottom margin: Quiet zone.
  • Text margin: Space between bar and text below
You can view the Code 128 Barcode Size Calculator here.

Customize Code 128 barcodes with property settings in Microsoft Excel


Basic Settings

  • Barcode Type: choose "Code 128" (Recommended) for Code 128 with Code Sets automatically grouped,
    "Code 128 A" for Code 128 with Code Set A,
    "Code 128 B" for Code 128 with Code Set B,
    or "Code 128 C" for Code 128 with Code Set C,
  • Data: Code 128 data to encode. The data here should be compatible with Code 128 supported character sets.

Code 128 Advanced Settings

Barcode Common Settings

How to create Code 128 Barcodes into MS Excel


How to Generate Code 128 Barcode for Excel

Start with a new excel workbook to activate the task panel. Choose "CODE 128" that enables the encodable characters automatically to be changed from one code set to another. And type specified data. Then click "Generate" to create the corresponding Code 128 barcode image.

How to Configure Code 128 in Excel

After the generation of Code 128 images, users may move the cursor to "Barcode size" and "1D Barcode". Modulate the width, height, margins, etc. And GS1 Application Identifiers and some special characters can be encoded by checking "Apply title (~)" enables. And then click "Update".

How to Create Code 128 Barcode List in Excel

The Excel Barcode Add-In is used to create not only a single Code 128 barcode image, but also Code 128 barcode lists or tables. Select a column or row of data cells, choose "CODE 128", and then click "Generate".

How to Link Code 128 to Cell for Excel

The "Link To Cell" is a useful barcoding feature of our Excel Barcode Add-In. Open a new Excel spreadsheet to generate a Code 128 image. Then click "Link To Cell" (Undo it, click "Cancel"). Chose a cell with data, and then click "Update".
In addition, this button is also used to create dynamic Code 128 barcode images which will be automatically updated whenever the contents of cells are changed.
More details will be represented by with Integration Tutorial for Office Excel Barcode Generator.

Barcode Types Supported by Excel Barcode Generator

OnBarcode is a market-leading provider of barcode imaging generator, reader controls and components for ASP.NET, Windows Forms, WPF, as well Java, Android, iOS (iPhone, iPad) across all major enterprise development platforms. We provides comprehensive tutorials and how-tos for various linear, 2d barcode information, such as C# in ASP.NET, C# .NET, C# Barcode Encoding, C# Barcode Image, VB.NET in ASP.NET, VB.NET Winforms, VB.NET Barcode Encoding. OnBarcode barcode products are supported by RasterEdge ASP.NET Document Viewer, which supports ASP.NET PDF Viewer, ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Editor, MVC PDF Viewer. And provide high quality C# Convert PDF to Tiff, C# Convert PDF to Word, C# Convert PDF to HTML, C# Convert PDF to Jpeg images, and their easy and simple documents, like C# PDF SDK, C# extract text from PDF, C# Compress PDF, Print PDF in C# and C# extract image from PDF.
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