Java PDF 417 Generator Image Setting Tutorial

sample source code to generate 2D PDF 417 in png, jpeg, etc. image formats in Java

  • Draw high-quality PDF 417 barcodes in Java Class, J2SE applications by setting the size of barcode
  • Supports Java Reports software to set your wanted size of PDF 417
  • Generate and print PDF 417 in JDK 1.4.0 and later version
  • Easy to Integrate PDF 417 Generator other properties in your Java applications
  • Easy encapsulation, integration and customization are supported with JavaBean conforming to a particular convention under a developmental environment
  • Easy integration with Oracle Repor
  • Text margin, text font can influence the size of PDF 417 in Java
  • autoResize can adjust the generated PDF 417 barcode image in Java automatically
  • Show text can enable or disenable with Java PDF 417 generator
  • High quality PDF 417 images may be printed with any printers, including those low resolution printers

PDF-417, also known as Portable Data File 417, PDF 417, PDF417 Truncated, is a stacked linear barcode symbol format used in a variety of applications.

If you need to know more specific details on how to adjust PDF 417 size related settings like left margin, right margin, top margin, bottom margin and so on in Java, please refer to Java PDF 417 Size Setting;

If you need to know more specific details on how to adjust PDF 417 character set and data length in Java, please refer to PDF 417 Data Encoding.

Java PDF 417 Image Setting Aspects

Java PDF 417 Image setting includes two main aspects which are PDF 417 special parameters and PDF 417 common options as below:

PDF 417 Image Special Settings on Java

  • rowCount:The number of rows for PDF417. The value range is from 3 to 90. The default is 3.
  • columnCount: Number of columns. The value range is from 1 to 30. The default is 5. Increase this value, if your data size is large.
  • truncated: truncated PDF417 may be used where space considerations are a primary concern and symbol damage is unlikely.

PDF 417 Image Common Settings in Java

  • resolution: PDF 417 barcode image resolution in DPI (Dots per inch), default is 72;
  • rotate: show the PDF 417 generated in Java with 0, 90, 180, 270 angles b y rotating it, default is 0 (IBarcode.ROTATE_0); Valid choices are 0 (IBarcode.ROTATE_0); 1 (IBarcode.ROTATE_90); 2 (IBarcode.ROTATE_180); 3 (IBarcode.ROTATE_270);
  • backColor: Java PDF 417 image background color, default is white;
  • foreColor: Java PDF 417 fore ground color, which actually is the bar color, default is black;
  • barAlignment: Barcode horizontal alignment inside the image. 0: left, 1: center, 2: right; default is 1: center.

Examples on PDF 417 Image Setting

      PDF417 barcode = new PDF417();
//PDF 417 valid image formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF barcode.drawBarcode("C:\\PDF 417.GIF");

OnBarcode is a market-leading provider of barcode imaging generator, reader controls and components for ASP.NET, Windows Forms, WPF, as well Java, Android, iOS (iPhone, iPad) across all major enterprise development platforms. We provides comprehensive tutorials and how-tos for various linear, 2d barcode information, such as C# in ASP.NET, C# .NET, C# Barcode Encoding, C# Barcode Image, VB.NET in ASP.NET, VB.NET Winforms, VB.NET Barcode Encoding. OnBarcode barcode products are supported by RasterEdge ASP.NET Document Viewer, which supports ASP.NET PDF Viewer, ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Editor, MVC PDF Viewer. And provide high quality C# Convert PDF to Tiff, C# Convert PDF to Word, C# Convert PDF to HTML, C# Convert PDF to Jpeg images, and their easy and simple documents, like C# PDF SDK, C# extract text from PDF, C# Compress PDF, Print PDF in C# and C# extract image from PDF.
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