.NET Micro PDF417 Barcode Generator Library
How to generate, draw Micro PDF417 2d barcode images in C#, VB.NET and ASP.NET projects
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Micro PDF417 2D barcode generation in .NET, C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET applications

  • Easily add advanced barcoding features into Microsoft .NET Framework Applications
  • Generate Micro PDF 417 2d barcodes in C# and VB.NET Class and Console applications
  • Micro PDF 417 generation on .NET reporting projects, like Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, Crystal Reports, and RDLC Local Reports
  • Generate and draw ISO / IEC 15438 compatible Micro PDF-417 barcode images
  • Save Micro PDF417 barcodes as image files (GIF, PNG, JPEG & BITMAP) without using barcode fonts
  • Provide royalty-free, perpetual license with source code option for this .NET Barcode SDK

.NET Micro PDF417 Barcode Generator DLL Introduction
This mature .NET Barcode Generator SDK has been used since 2003, which also supports other 2D barcode images for ASP.NET web service, .NET Windows Forms, SQL Server Reporting Service, Crystal Reports and RDLC Reports applications, including Micro PDF417, Data Matrix, QR Code, and Micro QR Code.
For specific .NET Micro PDF417 bar coding applications, you may refer to:
How to Create Micro PDF-417 Using C# or VB.NET Class?
Barcode Micro PDF-417 generation in C# Class example (Micro PDF417 Generator Complete Demo Source Code):
   MicroPDF417 micropdf417 = new MicroPDF417();
micropdf417.Data = "MicroPDF417";
micropdf417.DataMode = PDF417DataMode.Auto;
micropdf417.X = 3;
micropdf417.Version = MicroPDF417Version.Version_3X10;

Barcode Micro PDF-417 generation in VB.NET Class example (VB.NET Micro PDF417 Generator Complete Demo Source Code):
   Dim micropdf417 As New MicroPDF417()
micropdf417.Data = "MicroPDF417"
micropdf417.DataMode = PDF417DataMode.Auto
micropdf417.X = 3
micropdf417.Version = MicroPDF417Version.Version_3X10

How to Generate Micro PDF417 Without Using ASP.NET Barcode Controller?
  • Under demo package, copy barcode folder and its contents to your IIS, and create a new virtual directory.
  • Restart IIS, navigate to http://YourDomain:Port/barcode/micro-pdf417.aspx.aspx? DATA= MicroPDF417.
  • To create barcode GS1 DataBar barcode image in html or aspx pages, you can insert a image tag (img) into your page.
    For example, <img src="http://YourDomain:Port/barcode/micro-pdf417.aspx.aspx? DATA= MicroPDF417" />.
How to Encode Micro PDF417 to Image File (GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP)?
Encode & save barcode Micro PDF417 into image file in C# Class:
   MicroPDF417 micropdf417 = new MicroPDF417();
micropdf417.Data = "OnBarcodeMicroPDF417";
micropdf417.DataMode = PDF417DataMode.Auto;
micropdf417.X = 2;
micropdf417.XtoYRatio = 0.3333333f;
micropdf417.Version = MicroPDF417Version.Version_2X14;

// Create Micro PDF417 and encode barcode to png format
micropdf417.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png;

Encode & save barcode Micro PDF417 into image file in VB.NET Class:
   Dim micropdf417 As New MicroPDF417()
micropdf417.Data = "OnBarcodeMicroPDF417"
micropdf417.DataMode = PDF417DataMode.Auto
micropdf417.X = 2
micropdf417.XtoYRatio = 0.3333333F
micropdf417.Version = MicroPDF417Version.Version_2X14

' Create Micro PDF417 and encode barcode to jpeg format
micropdf417.ImageFormat = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg
In Visual Studio C# & VB.NET, How to Draw & Print Micro PDF417 to .NET Graphics, Stream & Bitmap Objects?
To draw & print barcode Micro PDF417 to C# objects:
   public void drawBarcode(Graphics graphics);

public void drawBarcode(string filename);

public Bitmap drawBarcode();

public void drawBarcode(Stream fileStream);
To draw & print barcode Micro PDF417 to VB.NET objects:
   Public Sub drawBarcode(ByRef graphics As Graphics)

Public Sub drawBarcode(ByVal filename As String)

Public Function drawBarcode() As Bitmap

Public Sub drawBarcode(ByRef fileStream As Stream
In Visual Studio C# and VB.NET, How to Save Micro PDF417 Barcode to the Memory?
Using C#, please call one of the following methods to draw barcode in the memory.
   public void drawBarcode(Graphics graphics);

public void drawBarcode(string filename);

public Bitmap drawBarcode();

public void drawBarcode(Stream fileStream);
Using VB.NET, please call one of the following methods to draw barcode in the memory.
   Public Sub drawBarcode(ByRef graphics As Graphics)

Public Sub drawBarcode(ByVal filename As String)

Public Function drawBarcode() As Bitmap

Public Sub drawBarcode(ByRef fileStream As Stream)
How to Create & Draw Micro PDF417 Barcode Using .NET Barcode WinForms Controller?
  1. Add OnBarcode.Barcode.WinForms.dll to .net project reference.
  2. Add .NET Barcode to .NET Visual Studio Toolbox.
    1. Right click .NET Visual Studio Toolbox, select menu Choose Items...
    2. In "Choose Toolbox Items" form, click button "Browse...", and select dll OnBarcode.Barcode.WinForms.dll.
    3. After selection, you will find four items under "Components" section: LinearWinForm, DataMatrixWinForm, PDF417WinForm, and QRCodeWinForm.
How to Generate & Encode Micro PDF417 Barcode Using ASP.NET Barcode Web Form Controller?
  1. Add OnBarcode.Barcode.ASPNET.dll to asp.net project reference
  2. Add .NET Barcode to .NET Visual Studio Toolbox.
    1. Right click .NET Visual Studio Toolbox, select menu Choose Items...
    2. In "Choose Toolbox Items" form, click button "Browse...", and select dll OnBarcode.Barcode.ASPNET.dll.
    3. After selection, you will find four items under "Components" section: LinearWebForm, DataMatrixWebForm, PDF417WebForm, and QRCodeWebForm.
.NET Micro PDF-417 Generator - Micro PDF-417 Barcode Properties
Category Properties Value Comments
Basic Property: Data
Type: string
Default: "MicroPDF417"
Barcode value to encode

Micro PDF-417 Valid Data Char Set:
  • Text Compaction mode permits all printable ASCII characters to be encoded, i.e. values 32 - 126 inclusive in accordance with ISO/IEC 646 (IRV), as well as selected control characters.
  • Byte Compaction mode permits all 256 possible 8-bit byte values to be encoded. This includes all ASCII characters value 0 to 127 inclusive and provides for international character set support.
  • Numeric Compaction mode permits efficient encoding of numeric data strings.
  • Up to 811,800 different character sets or data interpretations.
  • Various function codewords for control purposes.

Micro PDF 417
Property: ProcessTilde
Type: bool
Default: true
Set the ProcessTilde property to true, if you want use the tilde character "~" to specify special characters in the input data. Default is true.
  • 1-byte character: ~0dd/~1dd/~2dd (character value from 000 ~ 255); ASCII character '~' is presented by ~126
    Strings from "~256" to "~299" are unused
  • 2-byte character (Unicode): ~6ddddd (character value from 00000 ~ 65535)
    Strings from "~665536" to "~699999" are unused
  • Programming for reader initialisation: ~rp.
    This should be located at the beginning of the encoding data, e.g. data = "~rpABCD1234".
  • ECI: ~7dddddd (valid value of dddddd from 000000 to 999999)
Property: DataMode
Type: DataMode
Default: PDF417DataMode.Text (1)
valid values:

  • PDF417DataMode.Auto (0)
  • PDF417DataMode.Text (1)
  • PDF417DataMode.Byte (2)
  • PDF417DataMode.Numeric (3)
  • PDF417DataMode.Customer (4)
Property: RowCount
Type: int
Default: 3
The number of rows for PDF417. The value range is from 3 to 90. The default is 3.
Property: ColumnCount
Type: int
Default: 5
Number of columns. The value range is from 1 to 30. The default is 5. Increase this value, if your data size is large.
Property: Macro
Type: bool
Default: false
Set isMacro property to true, then Macro PDF417 is enabled.
Property: MacroSegmentIndex
Type: int
Default: 0
the position of current symbol in the secuence (Start with 0).
Property: MacroSegmentCount
Type: int
Default: 0
the number of total symbols which make the sequence.
Property: MacroFileIndex
Type: int
Default: 0
be identified to the same file
Property: AutoResize
Type: bool
Default: false
Auto resize the generated barcode image
Property: BarAlignment
Type: int
Default: 1 (center)
Barcode horizontal alignment inside the image. 0: left, 1: center, 2: right.
Property: UOM
Type: UnitOfMeasure
Default: PIXEL (0)
Unit of meature for all size related settings in the library.

Valid values:
  • UnitOfMeasure.PIXEL (0)
  • UnitOfMeasure.CM (1)
  • UnitOfMeasure.INCH (2)
Property: X
Type: float
Default: 2
Barcode bar module width, default is 3 pixel
Property: XtoYRatio
Type: float
Default: 0.3333333f
Bar width vs bar height ratio
Property: BarcodeWidth
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image width.

If BarcodeWidth setting is smaller than the barcode required minimum width, the library will automatically reset to barcode minimum width.
Property: BarcodeHeight
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image height.

If BarcodeHeight setting is smaller than the barcode required minimum height, the library will automatically reset to barcode minimum height.
Property: LeftMargin
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image left margin size.
Property: RightMargin
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image right margin size.
Property: TopMargin
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image top margin size.
Property: BottomMargin
Type: float
Default: 0
Barcode image bottom margin size.
Property: Resolution
Type: int
Default: 72
Barcode image resolution in DPI (Dots per inch).
Property: Rotate
Type: Rotate
Default: Rotate.Rotate0 (0)
Valid values:

  • Rotate.Rotate0 (0)
  • Rotate.Rotate90 (1)
  • Rotate.Rotate180 (2)
  • Rotate.Rotate270 (3)
Property: BackColor
Type: Color
Default: white
Barcode image background color
Property: ForeColor
Type: Color
Default: black
Barcode image foreground color
In WebStream query string, please use int value for Enums, "true" and "false" for bool.
All .NET Barcode Generator Supporting Bar Code Types

Barcode Generator DLL for .NET - Bar Code Types Generation

OnBarcode is a market-leading provider of barcode imaging generator, reader controls and components for ASP.NET, Windows Forms, WPF, as well Java, Android, iOS (iPhone, iPad) across all major enterprise development platforms. We provides comprehensive tutorials and how-tos for various linear, 2d barcode information, such as C# in ASP.NET, C# .NET, C# Barcode Encoding, C# Barcode Image, VB.NET in ASP.NET, VB.NET Winforms, VB.NET Barcode Encoding. OnBarcode barcode products are supported by RasterEdge ASP.NET Document Viewer, which supports ASP.NET PDF Viewer, ASP.NET MVC Document Viewer, ASP.NET PDF Editor, MVC PDF Viewer. And provide high quality C# Convert PDF to Tiff, C# Convert PDF to Word, C# Convert PDF to HTML, C# Convert PDF to Jpeg images, and their easy and simple documents, like C# PDF SDK, C# extract text from PDF, C# Compress PDF, Print PDF in C# and C# extract image from PDF.
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