Setting Code 128 Barcode Width and Height in C#
C# Code 128 Size Setting
Using Free C# source code to generate Code 128 image labels for ASP.NET Web & Windows Applications
In this C# tutorial, you will learn how to generate
Code 128 barcode with your target image width and height in .NET ASP.NET, Windows applications.
- Learn Code 128 symbol structure
- Code 128 dimension size calcution
How to create Code 128 barcodes using C#
OnBarcode offers explanation of how to set Code 128 image size in C#.NET. And users are entitled to adjust Code 128 barcode size using the products below.
Code 128 Structure
- W : the width of Code 128.
- C : the number of start, special, symbol check and stop characters plus the number of the
data characters not included in D (i.e. C=3 + special char +not double-density data char)
- X : the width of a module bar; Xmin=1 pixel
- Q : the width of the quiet zone; Qmin=10X
- D : the number of numeric data characters encoded in double density (Code Set C)
Setting Code 128 Barcode Size in C#
Basic information you should know
Code 128 barcode width, W (measured in pixel), including quiet zones, can be computed from the expression below:
W = 11X (C + D/2) + 2Q + 2X
Three Situations for Setting Code 128 Barcode Size in C#
Setting Code 128 barcode size in C# Code 128 Generator may have three situations:
Situation 1:
If you want to create a Code 128 with a minimum X, please do as below:
- Set the minimum value of X.
- Set the AutoResize option to be false.
- Customize other properties.
Eg1. Set in C# Code 128 generator:
code128.X = 4;
code128.AutoResize = false;
Other properties: default;
The generated Code 128 image is:
Situation 2:
If you want to generate a Code 128 with a fixed barcode image width (W), and try to draw maximum barcode module (X) as possible, please do as follows:
- Set the fixed value of barcode image width (W).
- Set the AutoResize option to be true.
- Customize other properties.
Eg2. Set in C# Code 128 generator:
code128.BarcodeWidth = 300;
code128.BarcodeHeight = 60;
code128.AutoResize = true;
Other properties: default;
The generated Code 128 image is:
In the above Code 128 image, the bar module (X) is 3 pixel, which is the maximum bar module.
Situation 3:
If you want to generate a Code 128 with minimum X and fixed barcode image width (W), please do as below:
- Set the values of minimum X and barcode image width (W).
- Set the AutoResize option to be false.
- Customize other properties.
Eg3. Set in C# Code 128 generator:
code128.X = 2;
code128.BarcodeWidth = 200;
code128.AutoResize = false;
Other properties: default;
The generated Code 128 image is:
Note that, once you have set bar module (X) value, there will be a minimum barcode image width defined by Code 128 ISO specification.
Code128 minimum barcode image width (W min) is:
= 11X (C + 2D/2) + 22X
So if your BarcodeWidth value is less than the minimum barcode width, the barcode generator component will reset BarcodeWidth value to the minimum barcode width value.
For example, you set:
code128.X = 2;
code128.BarcodeWidth = 100;
code128. Data = "1234";
code128.AutoResize = false;
Other properties: default;
Then Code 128 barcode minimum width (W min) is:
=11*2 ( 5 + 4/2 ) + 22*2      
= 198 pixel
Now your BarcodeWidth setting is 100 pixel, which is less than the minimum barcode width, the component generated code 128 image will be like this.
If your BarcodeWidth setting is 250 pixel, which is larger than the minimum barcode width (198 pixel), the generated code 128 image will be like below. And extra 51 pixel space has been added to the left and right side of barcode image.